
The Usk is possibly the best freestone trout river in the country. Wild brown trout are distributed throughout the system although the nicest main stem fishing is upstream of the town of Usk, with many of the tributaries also offering superb sport. Early season is the best time of year for daytime fishing with the Large dark olive hatches making the Usk spring fishing justifiably world famous. In high summer, when flows drop and water temperatures rise, the fishing becomes largely confined to the early mornings and evenings. The trout can appear to be uncatchable during the low water months but anglers who adapt their tactics to fish after sunset will get the bigger fish as they start to move. The dusk sedge fishing can be exhilarating as those 2 and 3lb browns from the spring are still there to be caught.


Although wild brown trout are found throughout the Wye system, the best of the main stem fishing is generally considered to be on the upper river, upstream of Hay-on-Wye. Tributaries such as Ithon, Irfon, Lugg, Arrow, Monnow and many others also provide wonderful opportunities to fish for the hard fighting wild brown trout. There is a huge variety of water as the rivers flow over a mixture of different bedrocks and gravel, giving everything between slow glides and faster, highly oxygenated white water rapids. The really big specimens (and they have been caught up to 8lbs in recent years) generally inhabit the deep pools of the main river. Trout of over 2lbs, however, can be found in surprisingly small tributary streams.

Both rivers systems provide trout fishing pretty much throughout the season (dates below). By April the weather conditions improve and the best time of year is from then until the end of June. Some tributaries have a mayfly hatch, while olives provide the best sport on others. From July, if low water conditions prevail, trout often drop down the tributaries and into the main rivers. Here they find the faster, more oxygenated water where they stay until things cool down. Any significant summer rainfall, however, can revive the smaller rivers and streams. There’s a lifetime of learning to be had discovering the trout of Wye and Usk systems.

Season: Brown trout - 3rd March to 30th September (inc) for both rivers.
Sewin (sea trout) - 20th March to 17th October (inc), Usk only.

Fly fishing only on all water promoted through the Foundation (except some reservoirs).
Catch limits and other rules vary from water to water - please see individual beat descriptions.
The national minimum size is 9 inches.

Spring trout fishing on the upper river Usk An evening caught summer wild brown trout from the Usk An angler showing where to catch trout in summer on the upper Wye